The Quest : MAXergy
This websites aim, and my quest is to propose a way to evaluate energy and materials together, in one indicator, without weighting factors or other subjective combinations like indirect end of pipe effects.: As such I developed the MAXergy approach: maximum exergy in a system, or a mass-energy optimisation. Its a space time relation for mass and energy managed in a system together , driven by Solar energy, and the indicator is Embodied Land: The land and the yield on the basis of solar energy, to supply or compensate the use of resources. In ha-year. The possible conversion routes are the limiting factors, as well as the Human knowledge of conversion systems.
This approach can be applied to evaluate products or buildings, and their impact on the worlds resource potential ( Resources will not deplete, energy nor mass, , but the energy ( work) needed to collect resources in a human useful combination is limited) . As well as to evaluate existing systems ( a urban environment for instance) and see how far beyond its borders the impact reaches, or how the system ( the functions delivered in it) have to be adapted to fit within its own borders.
Ultimately its all about closed cycles: the ones that are not closed will die out, stop running or flowing. We have to go with the flow, its all about functions delivered ( not the products but the services we want) within a maximum level of resources available in a constant flow( cyclic) : Functions follow Physics. Thats all there is . And if cycles are always restored, if resource use stays within regenerating capacity of a system, the side effects or end of pipe effects are of marginal importance.
Ronald Rovers, january 2016